Not all inhabitants of the earth understand the extent of the accumulation of garbage. Garbage is everywhere -These are parts of land and water.
The project MiZGiR - Within the framework of the "Trashed" project, make a public map with marks of all consumption wastes and production waste.
In the future, this will allow all participants of the "TrashedDAO" to classify and find solutions, in a global way goodwills.
This map will list all unclassified "Trashed", for the public, which we could confirm. However, many of them are not displayed, but these operations remain in development.
If you have confirmation of additional unclassified "Trashed", send a message in Telegram @MiZGiRbot with the coordinates of the location.
Copyright 2018 The project MiZGiR.
Bot in Telegram@TrashedBot
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
Thanks GitHub,Inc.